Useful little Mac Quick Actions

Quick Actions—also sometimes called "Services"—are a way to add bits of functionality to existing Mac apps. Here are some quick actions I've made!

Download Video:

  • Download Youtube videos from your web browser.
  • Works with Safari, Firefox, Chrome, and Chromium as of March 2021.
  • To use, navigate to a page with a video in your web browser, and activate the service. Select Safari/Firefox/ChromeServicesDownload Video in the menu bar, or assign the Service to a keyboard shortcut in System Preferences!

Open In Zoom:

  • Open Zoom meeting links without jumping through a web browser.
  • Useful for joining meetings from the Calendar app!
  • To use, highlight a Zoom URL and select Open In Zoom in the context (right-click) menu.

Finder Collection:

  • Create New Text Document: The equivalent of "New Text Document" on Windows, for Mac.
  • Duplicate Finder Window: Open a second window at the current location.
  • Make DMG: Highlight items in Finder and select Make DMG in the context (right-click) menu to quickly create a DMG.
  • Reset Finder Window Size: For when you resize a Finder window accidentally and can't get it looking quite right.